Merci de boycotter tous les habits et objets qui viennent de Chine.
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Courrier de protestation à envoyer à :
Dear Madam/dear SIr,
I send this message to show my support for the campaign against the presence of fur trims and fur jackets in the collections of Aritzia .
As you may be aware every year dozens of millions animals are raised in small cages and awful conditions to be skinned and transform their pelts into trims, hats or jackets sold in shops and collections like yours.
Animals are imprisoned in wire mesh cages little bigger than themselves, often in solitary confinement. Stress, boredom and stereotypic behaviour
is exhibited with these creatures literally going insane - gnawing at cages, pacing and even turning to cannibalisation. A recent expose of
fur farms revealed dead and dying animals left in the cages alongside those living. When killed, animals are gassed, electrocuted, have their
throats slit, are bludgeoned or skinned alive.
Please watch these video :
There is a growing number of companies and designers refusing to use real fur and I think the same decision is a choice that also Aritzia should consider, to create a fashion free of this appalling cruelty.
Until I will see this ethical decision I will take part in the boycott of all your brands products and shops and will invite all the people I know to do the same.
nom, prénom, pays.