by Robert Goodland and Jeff Anhang
Livestock and Climate Change: What if the key actors in climate change are...cows, pigs, and chickens?
The environmental impact of the lifecycle and supply chain of animals raised for food has been vastly underestimated, and in fact accounts for at least half of all human-caused greenhouse gases (GHGs), according to Robert Goodland and Jeff Anhang, co-authors of "Livestock and Climate Change".
A widely cited 2006 report by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, Livestock's Long Shadow, estimates that 18 percent of annual worldwide GHG emissions are attributable to cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats, camels, pigs, and poultry. But recent analysis by Goodland and Anhang finds that livestock and their byproducts actually account for at least 32.6 billion tons of carbon dioxide per year, or 51 percent of annual worldwide GHG emissions.
Read "Livestock and Climate Change," World Watch Magazine [FREE PDF]
Leur analyse montre que les animaux d’élevage et leurs produits dérivés sont en réalité responsables d’AU MOINS 32 564 millions de tonnes d’ “équivalent CO2″ par an soit 51% des émissions mondiales de gaz à effet de serre. Des études sont en cours pour vérifier la fiabilité de ces données.