L'association abolitionniste portugaise vient d'obtenir que la société internationale MELKA Ltd. se retire du programme T.V. ART ET EMOTION et affirme sa volonté de ne soutenir la cruauté envers les animaux.
Transmis par Isabel, présidente de la FLAC, reçu de Miguel Moutinho, ANIMAL Org.
Voici le courrier adressé à Animal par le directeur Iberia de Melka Ltd.
Courrier qui soulève néanmoins trois remarques :
- Melka n'a pas eu l'intention mais son action néanmoins cautionnait ce programme T.V.
- Melka n'est pas partie prenante, que ce soit pour ou contre. Pourtant, quelques lignes après, il affirme que les dirigeants de Melka sont des gens sensibles et humains concernés par la cause animale... Contradiction gênante...
- Melka donne des instructions spécifiques pour retirer toute identification de la marque de ce programme T.V. Il n'est pas indiqué s'ils continuent leur collaboration, qu'elle soit ou non mentionnée !
Courrier de M. Antonio Manuel Rebocho
"Melka n'a pas eu ou n'a pas l'intention d 'associer son nom à un quelconque évènement cruel, en particulier incluant une cruauté envers les animaux. Les gens qui dirigent notre marque sont humains et sensibles, comme vous l'êtes certainement. Ce que nous avons fait est seulement d'avoir fourni des habits au présentateur du programme sans avoir aucune intention d'être partie prenante dans une cause, que ce soit pour ou contre.
Miguel Moutinho | ANIMAL [mailto:miguel.moutinho@animal.org.pt]
Enviado el: martes, 17 de junio de 2008 21:30
Para: Miguel Moutinho | ANIMAL
Asunto: Following the messages that you have sent: MELKA withdraws its name from weekly pro-bullfighting TV programme "Art & Emotion" and states its own opposition to animal cruelty | Please, thank MELKA for making this decision
Importancia: Alta
Following the messages that you have sent: MELKA withdraws its name from weekly pro-bullfighting TV programme Art & Emotion and states its own opposition to animal cruelty | Please, thank MELKA for making this decision and ANIMAL thanks YOU for making it happen
Just a few days ago, ANIMAL launched another action alert to get yet another company to drop its involvement with bullfighting in Portugal. As it has happened with the six other companies which were sponsoring or were somehow involved with bullfighting in Portugal until ANIMAL stepped in and until you helped ANIMAL to bring pressure over them, your participation was again vital to make MELKA end its corporate association with the weekly pro-bullfighting TV programme Art & Emotion in Portugal.
In a message sent to ANIMAL, MELKAs Iberia Country Manager, António Manuel Rebocho, said:
Melka did not have or has any intention of associating its name to any cruel event and especially not if it involves cruelty to animals.
The people who head our brand are humane and sensitive, as you certainly are.
What Melka did was only to provide clothing to the programme presenter without having any intention of getting involved with any cause at all, be it for or against.
We nevertheless wish to take this opportunity of contacting with you to present our apologies about this matter and about its eventually offensive aspect. We have now given specific instructions to the presenter of the programme to withdraw any identification of the brand from this programme.
Please also let us ask you to be humble enough not to think of yourselves as exclusive holders of these noble causes; on this side, there are also people who share the same animal protection concerns that move you, which is my case.
Bless you!
Best regards, Melhores Cumprimentos, Saludos
Antonio Manuel Rebocho
Iberia Country Manager
MELKA Trading Ltd.
Nous pouvons adresser un courrier de remerciement à M. Rebocho, directeur Iberia de Melka Trading Ltd. ANIMAL propose ci-dessous un courrier type en anglais.
Suggested Message
Dear Mr. António Manuel Rebocho,
Iberia Country Manager of MELKA TRADING, LTD:
I firstly wish to thank MELKA for responding so positively to my request and to the concerns of hundreds of people who, like me, find bullfighting a truly abhorrent spectacle.
I also wish to congratulate and salute you and MELKA for also opposing animal cruelty, something which only favours the positive corporate image and respectability of MELKA.
I will be happy to remember MELKA when shopping and I will make sure I will tell other compassionate people I know to remember MELKA when looking for clothing to buy. I like to reward companies which take a stance against animal cruelty or which, at least, keep distance from it (which I consider the minimum acceptable), but, for that matter, I would also like to take this opportunity to urge you and MELKA to commit not to provide clothing or any other form of support and not to maintain any other kind of commercial / promotional involvement with the barbaric bullfighting activity and industry.
Bullfighting is a sadistic activity which causes huge amounts of suffering and death to many thousands of bulls and other animals every year and which is happily coming to an end, especially in Portugal and in the two other European countries which will not authorise this brutality for much longer. I, along with many other people and animal protection organisations, will make sure that we will all see the end of bullfighting soon. I am now glad that MELKA is no longer involved in it and I trust that it will never return to any association with this dark practice.
Thanking you for your attention,
Yours, sincerely,
City, Country:
Message à expédier à antonio.rebocho@melka.com; info.pt@melka.com; info-info.be@melka.com; info.dk@melka.com; mika.luhtanen@portnoi.fi; info.nl@melka.com; info@bergis.is; info.no@melka.com; campanhas@animal.org.pt
animal org portugal
Animal remercie tous ceux qui se sont associes a cette action et qui voudront bien adresser un message a antonio rebocho. Vous pouvez les soutenir en envoyant un don. Voir ci-dessous. Merci. ANIMAL EST comme la flac l'un des MEMBREs FONDATEURs DU MOUVEMENT EUROPEEN POUR UNE EUROPE SANS CORRIDA http://www.bullfightingfreeeurope.org/
ANIMAL thanks you, in the first place, for taking action by sending your message to MELKA and to all the other entities. With your help, an extremely important progress for animals in Portugal is being achieved.
ANIMAL has already thanked MELKA for making this step. Please, take also a few minutes to thank this company for making this positive and important decision of putting an end to its Supportive status of the programme Art & Emotion. Please send the suggested message below or write your own message, if you prefer congratulating MELKA for withdrawing the companys name and brand from this shameful programme and urge the company to commit to keep a permanent and total commercial / promotional distance from bullfighting in Portugal or elsewhere.
Please make as generous a donation as you can TODAY to enable ANIMAL to continue and better its work to abolish bullfights in Portugal and to forward animal protection in this country:
· Use PayPal to make a safe and easy internet payment please go to http://www.PayPal.com/ and make a donation to info@animal.org.pt
· Make a bank transfer to the following account:
ANIMAL Associação Nortenha de Intervenção no Mundo AnimaL
Montepio Geral (Caixa Económica)
IBAN: PT50 0036 0093 9910 0034 4746 9
· Make a regular donation by cheque or money order and posting it to us at: ANIMAL, Apartado 24140, 1251-997 Lisboa, Portugal
Animal.org.pt :: No More Crimes Without Punishment :: ManifestoANIMAL.org
Please, do not keep this message only for yourself: please forward it to others who you think may also care about the plight of animals in Portugal and who may also want to help
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